I work as a software developer in Bangalore.
- E-mail: anil at anil.net.in
- Twitter handle: anilknyn
- IRC: irc.freenode.net (mostly #emacs) as aniline.
GPG Public Key
Paste the url “anil.net.in/anil_pk.asc” into your browser (put an http:// if required) to get the public key. Fingerprint of the key is:
660C 47EB 3024 3A41 E4EE E4CD D9B3 FED4 117C 5778
Geek Code
-----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GCS d- s-:+ a- C++ UL++ P++ L+++ E+ W++ N+>++ o- K? w(--) O-- M-- V-- PS PE- Y-- PGP t+ 5-- X R(+) tv- b+(++) DI D++ G+ e++ h !r y ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------