Category Archives: Rightbrain

CS Map



Made a little CS map based on the basement of my office compound. The last time I tried making a map (one of my first tries). I could not get the lighting to work. The ‘full-bright’ map that comes out is quite sick (It makes me ‘literally’ sick, when the textures are uniform ones like concrete, asphalt). Yesterday (at last) found that I had not enabled the radiosity calculation. The lit map looks good (as you might have guessed) and I had enough encouragement to spend the remaining part of weekend on the map. It still is to be found whether the map is neutral to both CT and T teams (I’ve a feeling that It gives T team some advantage). It has a huge block as the top of the building (which might slow the map down – but I doubt). There are bad things that turned out from this – I did not do other planned stuff (some buying, some fixing, some cleaning my room), my head got trained for this wierd manner of moving in 3D space (Using shift and space bar for various functions).

Glimpse of Truth

Matrix !!

Matrix !!

One sunday afternoon power is down (some maintenance on the 440KV tower). After two hours of playing cards, I look off my hand of cards and at my friend Vinay. I see this (left)

They say few enlightened get the glimpse of truth. Some get it through physical exertion (Like the athelete). Some perhaps through too much card playing.

Note: Disclaimer

New combination

Finished Doom 3

Finally, after months of effort (well, there were months of gaps between levels), I finished the single player levels of DooM-3. Can’t deny that I get a sense of acheivement from this thing. Particularly when most of my friends say that they would not care to go beyond 10% of the levels without using cheats. I used no cheats, but there were a few occations where I used walkthroughs. Almost everytime I would finish the level and come and check what Mike at Visual Walkthroughs has to tell about the level. Occasions where I actually got unstuck with help from the site are :

  1. Making sure that ‘jumping across’ is the way out from this place one of the service bridge in Alpha labs 4:29
  2. Got confused and irritated by Enpro plant exit. I could not find airlock (was scared to go into the dark) to exit.
  3. I did not know that I had the code to the BFG chamber, till I saw it in the walkthrough.
  4. Missed the PDA mentioned here in Monorail and went in circles without a way to get out past this turret.
  5. Killing guardian: Was bit troubled about too much time I spent to figure out how to kill it.
  6. And… the easter eggs (Turkey puncher, message on hitting Classic Doom cheats and the id software PDA).

Finished all the remaining levels without help (including killing Sabaoth, twin Vagaries, and even the Cyberdaemon).


Multi headed display for me. Yippeee. Its been six months since I got my GeForce box (yeah – GPU sometimes becomes the identity).

First I played Prince of persia : Warrior Within on TV. I guess thats how it would feel on a games console. Watched Patch Adams on TV. And the best part is – Multi-headed X displays. It would not make much sense to have them show different things at the same time. However if you have an LCD or CRT with those digital input you could have two cameras (in 3D games and VR applications) show them on different monitors.

Some crude photos (Broken).